• National Conference on “Innovation and Entrepreneurship in Commerce and Management”

    National conference registration started from 9.30 to 10.15 a.m. followed by General welcome by Dr. Priya .N. and opening prayer Mr. Khirod. D. Introduction of conference speech given by Dr. Anil K.

    There were 3 keynotes speakers each was given half an hour.

    Session 1 was addressed by Dr. Chetan Kumar Lad (Director of Naranlala insititute of Management)(Topic – Entrepreneurship)

    Session 2 was addressed by Dr. Anil Saraogi (Director of saraogi patent and trade marks attorneys)(Topic – Innovation in Management)

    Session 3 was addressed by Mr. Ashfaq Calcuttawala (Founder of Mountain Mock Consultancy) (Topic – Innovation in Entrepreneurship)

    All the three sessions completed by 12.45. Followed by lunch. Paper presentations were started from 1.45 to 4.15pm. Paper presentations were been conducted in two rooms Room 12 for management and Room 13 for Commerce. There were 2 session heads Session 1 Dr. Hemlata Agrawal and Session 2 Dr. Kumudini thakur

    Total number of presentations were 22. Out of which 2 paper presentation were selected as “ Best Paper Presentation” and were given ash prize of 1000 to each. Winners for “Best Paper Presentation” were Mr. Rambabu S and Mr. Nirmal S from Metas Adventist college.

    Velidictory Report was given by Dr. Priya . N. Papers were published in peer revieed UGC approved journal with impact factor 5.5. Ajanta Publication was publisher for the same 2 Total papers published were 44 in two different volumes. Volume 1 was having 23 papers and Volume 2 was having 21 papers.

    Total number of participants who attended the conference were 23 guest and staff were 39. Volunteers who helped for the event were 23. All the participants were given participation and presentation certificates, At the end of the day vote of thanks was been shared by Dr. Job followed by prayer by Mr. Shyam Prasad and at last National Anthem. The Day went well with the support of staff faculties and volunteers.

  • Date
