• Competition on ‘Suggestions and Innovative schemes for forthcoming Union Budget 2019-20’

    The main objective of the event was to give innovative suggestions, schemes or proposals which are not in operation in the Indian economy

    • a. for resolving any issue or problem in the city or state or nation, or
    • b. for bringing additional revenue to the government, or
    • c. for resulting in some social benefit

    The Judges were welcomed by Dr. Mohan Rao sir with a bouquet. The competition had 10 participants who gave various proposals and suggestions on various issues related with our economy like toll free nation, child labour, digital education, fiscal deficit and social security system. The participants also stated various provisions and explained the procedure as to how these schemes would be implemented and how it would benefit our economy. Question and Answer session was held after presentation of every proposal.

    Judges asked questions for seeking more clarity about the provisions of the schemes and proposals suggested by the students. The Judges then gave their feedback about the event/competition and also gave some valuable suggestions to the students and the participants as to what aspects should be taken into consideration and covered while framing any scheme or a proposal. Memento and Appreciation letter was given to the Judges by Surabhi Madam and Vineeta Madam. Cash Prizes were given to the winner, first runner up and second runner up. Vote of thanks was delivered.


    • Position 1: Ishita Singhvi and Alaves Shaikh (SY MBA)- Cash Prize Rs. 2,000
    • Position 2: Chetna Mehta (FY MBA) - Cash Prize Rs. 1,500
    • Position 3: Nishu Patodia (FY B Com) - Cash Prize Rs. 1,000


    While framing innovative schemes to resolve any issue in Indian economy, students learnt about the current schemes in various sectors like education, infrastructure, health care, SME, primary sector, etc. Necessary research was done by them before presenting the scheme. As a gesture of appreciation towards our nation, the students enthusiastically participated in the competition.


    Any event is impossible without volunteers, who work at the backstage tirelessly for the event's success.

    Our volunteers include:

    • 1. Nishu Patodia
    • 2. Triveni Narang
    • 3. Sakshi Agarwal
    • 4. Muskan Narang
    • 5. Akshita Bohra
    • 6. Mridul Baid
    • 7. Yogendra Rajput
    • 8. Anshu Gupta
    • 9. Mayank Mittal

    Club Members:

    • 1. Ms. Sejal Shah
    • 2. Mr. Rambabu S.
    • 3. Ms. Surabhi Sugathan
    • 4. Ms. Vineeta Chopra


    Cash prizes of Rs. 4,500, 2 bouquets and 2 Mementos to 2 judges, refreshments and water arranged by the College.


  • Date
